What are male chastity devices?
It is one of the most unique and sensual sex toys of all time. In fact, it might even be more accurately called a combination between a "sex toy" and a "sex tool". Its eroticism comes from its ability to deny pleasure and satisfaction, rather than providing it. A person wearing a chastity device will be unable to become aroused or experience orgasm. They will submit the very essence of their sexuality to the control of another person - specifically, the person who holds the key which can unlock their chastity device. Beautiful, arousing, torturous, sexy and frustrating all in one, a chastity device is truly a tool for sexual control, self-restraint and submission like no other!
Who are chastity devices for?
Well, in general, chastity devices are meant for bad boys and girls who cannot control themselves and need to be taught a lesson. Here at Lovegasm, we specialize in male chastity devices which are suited for men of all shapes and (cock) sizes. If you think that a cock cage or chastity belt might be right for you, try asking yourself these questions: Are you a bad boy? Do you masturbate too much? Do you sometimes focus more on your own pleasure rather than your partner's? Are your orgasms short and unsatisfying? If the answer to ANY one of these questions is yes, then the answer "who are chastity devices for" is YOU! You are EXACTLY the sort of man who needs to be locked up inside his very own male chastity device!
Why should I buy a chastity device?

You should buy a chastity device because you want to train yourself not to be controlled by the power of your cock. You will be able to stop being a slave to the needs of your erections and orgasms - and become a devoted slave to your partner (or "keyholder") instead! Wearing a chastity device will help you "de-program" yourself from the "standard" school of thought regarding male masturbation: that it is quick, short, to the point and all about just "getting it over and done with". Instead, you will learn the value of controlling and delaying your orgasms, allowing them to become more intense, drawn out, and pleasurable. You will also be able to approach your day to day life with a clear head as you are no longer constantly thinking about your cock or needing to masturbate or have constant orgasms. You will find yourself becoming more sensitive, a better listener, and a kinder and more intuitive partner as you finally free yourself from your cock's control.
Wait, what's so sexy about not being able to get hard?
The sexy thing about it is this: you're submitting control of your cock, your orgasms, and in many ways your entire sexuality to another person, usually one who you love and trust such as a long-term partner or a Dom/Domme with whom you have signed a contract. "Denial" is a well-established aspect of pleasure, from holding yourself on the edge of orgasm for as long as possible during a masturbation session to participating in No-Fap November and not getting off for an entire month. A chastity device is the most extreme form of denial, combined with elements of submission as your orgasms are determined entirely by another person. You will gain better control of yourself and your body. You will become extremely sensitive, both physically and emotionally, and your body will be much more susceptible to teasing and foreplay. Plus, you'll learn how to enjoy elements of sex, such as having your nipples played with or prostate stimulated, which you might have neglected previously due to your singular focus on your cock!
You really mean it? I won't be able to get hard? At ALL?
Yup, that's right! A chastity device fully engulfs your cock in a silicone tube, a leather pouch, or a series of metal rings. The design of a chastity device will leave you with absolutely zero ability to become erect, as your cock will simply not have enough space to expand and stiffen within its confinement. If your cock even tries to start getting hard, your chastity device will start becoming uncomfortable and perhaps even painful, which will send your little guy right back down to its flaccid state quicker than you can say "masturbation"!
What about having an orgasm?
Nope, you won't be able to do that either! After all, if you can't get hard, then you can't cum, can you? That's right - nope! Without the ability to have an erection, your body simply will not be able to have an orgasm. Your chastity device will make absolutely sure of THAT! No twitching and trembling and giving way to pleasurable muscle spasms as the world "whites out" behind your eyelids as you tip over into absolute bliss...all of that will be absolutely impossible as long as that belt or cage is locked firmly around your cock. Orgasms will only become a possibility once again IF and ONLY IF your designated keyholder chooses to unlock your chastity device and set you free!
...Even a prostate orgasm, too?
We-ell, okay, maybe we weren't being ENTIRELY honest with you. You lucky men, after getting accustomed to the feeling of having your cock locked up inside a chastity device, will be able to "re-train" your bodies to ejaculate in a special kind of way that doesn't involve getting hard or touching your penis at all! This is referred to as a "prostate orgasm" or sometimes as "prostate milking" because it is not entirely similar to a "normal" orgasm. Your partner, using their fingers or a Lovegasm toy, can massage the inner walls of your asshole to stimulate the PROSTATE, a very special walnut-shaped gland where some of your semen is stored. If you rub the prostate hard enough and long enough, it simply will not be able to hold on to all that fluid, and it will start draining and dripping out of your poor neglected cock. So you'll get to drain your balls...but we'll be honest with you, it probably won't feel NEARLY as good as an orgasm where you get your cock touched, and you'll wind up feeling just as irritated and frustrated as you did before the "milking" session started. Oh well - that's just life inside a chastity device!
What about peeing? Or pooping?
Don't worry! These bathroom-related vital bodily functions are not restricted AT ALL by ANY of our Lovegasm chastity cages and belts. The majority of our chastity devices feature "slits" or "holes" at the end which allow urine to pass through. You will be able to pee just as normally and regularly as you always have. As for pooping, none of our chastity devices permanently block the asshole (although they do pair extremely well with butt plugs!) so feel free to head to the bathroom and defecate to your heart's content!
Will my partner like that I'm wearing a chastity device?
Well, unfortunately, we can't answer that one for you. This is a very personal question and the answer will differ for every single couple. The only advice we can give you is: ask them yourself! Bring up your interest in chastity and gauge their reaction. Some partners are extremely excited to experiment with chastity devices with you, while others will be fine with you indulging your fantasies but will prefer to remain uninvolved and unaware of your kink exploration. Have a conversation and see how it goes - but we will say, if the two of you are willing to try it out together, male chastity play can be EXTREME erotic fun for all parties involved!
Does my partner still get to have fun while I'm wearing my chastity device?
Why yes they do! In fact, when you are locked up in a chastity cage or belt, your partner will get to experience EVEN MORE fun, pleasure and satisfaction than ever before. Why is that? Well, because chastity play is all about denial, and the locked-up partner will be teased and tormented by being forced to ignore their own desires. Chastity cages will completely prevent them not only from having an orgasm, but even from getting an erection in the first place! With their own pleasure so aggressively tabled, chaste slaves will focus on pleasuring their partner and fulfilling all of their deepest desires and fantasies with the hope of ending their lock-up period or earning their orgasm just a little bit earlier.
My partner told me I need to wear a chastity device. Should I?

If you're up for it, then absolutely, yes! We definitely recommend listening to your partner if they've decided that you are a bad boy who deserves to be locked up. Odds are, they have a reason. Maybe they're tired of being so selfish in bed, or maybe they simply want to fulfill a long-held fantasy - but whatever their reason is, you should listen to it. You might just find (in fact, you probably will!) that submitting to your partner and being a good, obedient, locked-up chastity slave is fulfilling in ways you never have imagined! All the stress of decision-making vanishes, and you can relax as all you need to do is follow orders and serve your keyholder.
How do I get my partner to remove my cage?
Most practitioners of chastity play prefer to stick to a strict schedule. The day that your cage (or belt) will be removed, whether for a simple cleaning or for a chance at earning pleasure or even an orgasm, will be scheduled in advance and most likely marked down on a calendar. This is both so that the keyholder can tease the locked-up partner by reminding them just how far away their next release is and so that, if they are feeling in a particularly good mood, you might just have the chance to earn an earlier removal from their cage. This can generally be accomplished by following every rule your keyholder sets and going above and beyond: do chores around the house, buy your partner nice gifts, and always be willing and ready to service them sexually.
How do I get my partner to let me have an orgasm?
Earning a release from your cage, however, does not necessarily mean that you've earned your sexual release as well. If you've been good but not quite good enough, your partner might just unlock you for a teasing session or some foreplay without a "happy ending" guaranteed. If you want a chance to have an orgasm, especially if you want it to be moved up and happen ahead of schedule, then your only option is to be extra good - on your best behavior, practically perfect in every way. Do every single chore that you could think of, especially those which your partner dislikes. Listen and be obedient and never talk back to them - treat them with extreme politeness, using titles such as "Mistress" or "Master" if they enjoy them. In the bedroom, put the entire focus on your partner, servicing them eagerly without needing to wait for them to ask or command it. If you are extra, especially good, AND your partner is in a good enough mood, you just might get a chance to cum uncaged - and it will feel amazing!
What types of male chastity devices are available to buy here at Lovegasm?

Here at Lovegasm, we are proud to offer two unique varieties of male chastity device for sale as part of our extensive sex toy collection. We sell a wide range of both male chastity cages and male chastity belts. These two tools are different in shape, fit, and aesthetic appeal, but are equally effective when it comes to locking up a man's cock and preventing his erection and orgasm.
What's the difference between a chastity belt and a chastity cage?
A chastity cage is a metal, silicone or resin "tube" which completely surrounds the entire cock, as well as securing a ring around the balls. It focuses only on containing the cock, and usually contains a slit to urinate out of and does not have any parts which target the asshole. Because cages are comfortable, safe, and allow men to perform necessary bathroom tasks without interference, they are considered ideal for long-term wear. Chastity belts, on the other hand, are generally made from a mix of metal (usually stainless steel) and leather. It fastens around the waist and runs a strap between the legs, including over the balls and asshole. The cock is contained by a small flap or "pouch," made from either leather or a flat sheet of stainless steel. Many male chastity belts also feature butt plugs which are inserted into his asshole and kept snugly in place by the straps of the belt. Male chastity belts are extremely aesthetically pleasing, but as they prevent urination or defection, as well as possibly leaving lines in the skin from their tight leather straps, they are more suited to short-term use, often only the duration of a single sex play session.
What is this chastity device made out of?

Well, it depends on the cage! As described above, the chastity cages (and belts) available here at Lovegasm are made from several different materials. The most popular and best-selling materials include: stainless steel (a shiny, silver metal which is cool to the touch and slightly heavy) silicone (which is soft and smooth like human skin, and comes in several colors including pink, red and clear) and resin (a slightly harder, sturdier and more durable alternative to silicone, also available in multi-colored options). Which chastity device material you buy depends on what sensations and textures you prefer against the skin of your cock. (Of course, in many cases, your keyholder will choose the cage for you and you won't have an option at all). If you aren't sure where to get started, try buying a range of products and taking each of them out for a spin. Maybe your cock will even find it enjoys the changing weights, feelings and sensations of being locked in many different cages!
How do I wear this chastity device?
You should put on your chastity device very carefully to make sure that it is fitting properly and will not be uncomfortable against your cock. If you choose a chastity belt, make sure to adjust both straps - the one around your waist and the one running between your legs - to make sure that they are not too loose or too tight. On the other hand, if a chastity cage is more your speed, first fasten the ring firmly around your balls before gently sliding your cock into the cage- or tube-shaped part. Once your chastity device is on, have your partner lock you up firmly. (You don't get to do it until you've proven yourself, of course - bad boys can't be trusted to lock away their own cocks!) Take a walk around the room to make sure everything is hanging and fitting comfortably, and then make any adjustments as needed. That's it - you're all locked up snug inside your brand new chastity device!
Once it's put on, will I be able to take it off?
Of course not! That's the point of a cock cage or a chastity belt in the first place! You will not be able to remove it - and believe us, we've tried. Your cock will be staying nice, snug and locked up no matter how hard you work to free it. And trust us, we don't recommend trying - if your keyholder finds out you've been trying to break free rather than taking your punishment like a good boy, you'll certainly be in for an even longer lockup period, and probably some additional punishments like a spanking session or extra chores as well!
What do I do with these keys?

Well, you definitely shouldn't hold onto them yourself, that's for sure. Most chastity slaves cannot be trusted with their own keys until they have been living the lifestyle for years - and perhaps not even then. Instead, the keys should be immediately surrendered to your keyholder, who will keep them safe until you have earned your next unlocking. Now, some advice for keyholders: your partner's cage will come with a set of two keys. This is because you should always have one kept in a safe place for emergencies. Store it in a drawer, in your jewelry box, in a box you rent at your post office - the location doesn't matter, as long as it's 1) safe and 2) somewhere you'll never forget about. As for the other key, well, that's entirely up to you! Leave it lying out on the counter, attach it to your keyring along with your car and house keys, or even have it made into a nice piece of jewelry such as a necklace or bracelet for you to wear. Just remember, the decision is always yours, and your chastity slave gets absolutely no input whatsoever!
Can I wear it for a long time, or just a short period?
That depends entirely on the device. Most chastity cages are rated for long-term use, and can be safely worn for months or even years as long as they are kept clean and given regular scrubbing to sponge away sweat and banish bacteria. However, there are a couple of exceptions which you should always keep in mind. Chastity belts with attached anal plugs and chastity cages which feature urethral plugs - basically, any toy which blocks your ability to use the bathroom, whether it's "#1" or "#2" should only ever be worn for a few hours at a time without taking a break. You want to suffer, true, but you don't want to make yourself sick!
I've never worn a chastity device before. How do I get started?
Well, the best advice our staffers here at Lovegasm have is "don't jump right into the deep end, start out by paddling in the shallow end". What do we mean by that? Simply put, don't start out by wearing your cock cage for several days at a time without taking it off. That is a sure ticket to feeling sore and uncomfortable rather than seeing your chastity cage as an intensely erotic and pleasurable (if frustrating) experience. We want you to love our cages, not to feel annoyed and pained by them! So start small and work your way up to more long-time wear. The first couple times, just put your cock cage on for a few hours (and don't forget to do some walking around to make sure it feels comfortable) before taking it off and giving yourself a break. Once you're okay with a few hours, you can work your way up to an entire day, a few days at once, a week, and finally, permanent wear with breaks only when your keyholder allows it!
How do I choose between a cock cage and a chastity belt?

Choose between a cock cage and a chastity belt by first deciding what kind of chastity experience you would rather have. If you want a short-term lockup with a focus on aesthetic appearance and looking sexy for your partner, then a chastity belt is right for you. It pairs up perfectly with other leather and lace bondage wear, and will give your partner a true treat for their eyes every time they see you all dressed and locked up. However, if you want to have your cock locked up for days and weeks at a time, then a chastity cage will be much more your speed. They are sturdily built for and meant for long-term wear, allowing you to sleep, wear normal clothes and even pee regularly. Of course, if you can't decide between these two options, there's always a third path you can take - purchasing one (or several!) of each and wearing your cage during your day to day life while breaking out your chastity belt for fetish parties, anniversaries with your partner or other special occasions!
Should I buy a big cock cage? Or a small one?
That depends. Have you got a big cock or a small one? The most important thing about a cock cage is not whether it is a big one or a small one, but that it fits you properly. The best kind of cock cage is one that nestles snugly around your cock without squeezing too tight or forcing your head to jam against the end. A cock cage that is too small can pinch the very sensitive skin of your cock, while one that is too large can rub against you and cause chafing, reddened skin and even rashes. So, when picking out your chastity cage, take precise, accurate measurements and do not under- or over-estimate them. Then, choose the cock cage size which fits you best from our extremely extensive Lovegasm collection. (Now, some men have reported that their cock actually shrinks by up to an inch after extended chastity cage wear - if you find yourself in this situation, treat yourself to a brand new cock cage as soon as you notice your previous one fitting a bit too loosely)
Should I buy a metal cock cage? Or plastic? Or leather?
Again, it depends, but this time, the decision is entirely up to you. All cock cage materials are safe, comfortable and approved for long term wear, so the choice is entirely based on your personal preferences. If you like a more intense feeling that will create a sensation of being "in prison" and locked behind bars, then metal - particularly stainless steel - is definitely the way to go. If your skin is more sensitive and you need something with a smoother feel, then look for something like silicone, plastic or resin instead. Finally, leather has an extreme aesthetic appeal and is best for fashion-forward men who want their cock to look great even while it stays tightly locked up!
I want to become a total sissy! What chastity device should I buy?
For all you wanna-be sissies and good little girly boys out there, your friends here at Lovegasm have got an extra-special type of chastity cage which will help all of your deepest feminization fantasies come true! What could these amazing chastity cages be? Why, they're none other than our one of a kind PINK cock cages! That's right, pink! Made from silicone or hard plastic, these cages are available in delicate shades of pale petal pink which turns your entire genital area from a proud masculine cock to a sissy little caged nubbin that isn't even allowed to get hard or cum unless its Mistress commands. Add to the sissy fun by pairing a pink chastity device with a set of frilly lace panties, or perhaps a nice combination stocking and garter belt set - you'll be the absolute belle of the kinky ball!
What kind of add-ons can my cock cage have?

Cock cages may at first look like they're nothing more than simple tubes, but in face, they are compatible with a wide variety of add-ons which makes the chastity experience even more fun - but usually also torturous - for all parties involved. For example, we've got a huge range of shapes available that go far beyond the basic "cage bars". From a screaming, snarling beast to a boxy bucket to a slinky spider's web, you can decorate your cock in a wide variety of styles with the help of Lovegasm. We've also got chastity devices with built-in additions inspired by other types of sex toy, ranging from chastity belts with attached butt plugs (themselves coming in all shapes and sizes!) to cock cages featuring shiny stainless steel urethral plugs to keep all that semen inside of you. Fans of pain can even try a spiked ring or cage or one that delivers electric shocks directly to the sensitive head of your poor cock!
I've worn cock cages for a long time. Is there anything new here for me?
Absolutely! Lovegasm's extensive collection caters to both the veteran and the total newbie. If you're looking for something new and exciting, then look no further! We've got plenty of options for those who feel that their chastity play is getting a little stale and could use some freshening up to add that spark of adventure back to their tease- and denial-filled sex life. Why not try out an electrified cage, which will allow your partner to control a small remote which sends shocks of varying length, frequency and intensity up and down your cock. It's the perfect combination of pain and pleasure! If your tastes lean more towards the painful, a cock cage or chastity belt with a spiked or studded design is perfect for delivering plenty of delicious pain. And if extreme denial is your thing, then nothing will be better for you than a urethral plug, which keeps all your cum AND urine backed up deep within your cock as you go about your day all locked up. Just take a browse through our collection, and we promise, you'll find something - or maybe several somethings - that's just right for you!
Help! My cock cage doesn't fit!
If your cock cage feels too large or too small, then odds are you've accidentally picked one out that isn't quite the right size for you. You might notice size issues if you feel the cage pinching your cock, especially at the head, if you feel "squished" inside the cage with no room for your skin to "breathe," if you are sweating excessively, if your cock rubs against the outside of the cage producing friction, or if your skin winds up red, chafed and irritated after wearing your cage and walking around. If you are experiencing any of these issues, it's time to do a size check. Re-measure both the length and circumference of your cock, and then look into purchasing a better-fitting cock cage to avoid any further discomfort. (And if you find yourself in this situation because your cock has actually become smaller due to being locked up all the time, then congratulations! You're well on your way to becoming the perfect tiny-cocked sissy for your keyholder to enjoy humiliating!)
Help! My cock cage hurts / is uncomfortable!
Take off your cage immediately if you notice any of the following: pain, itching, raw skin / redness, discomfort, rash, bleeding, pinching of skin, or anything else falling under the umbrella or "painful things other than frustration with your ability to get hard or have an orgasm". These are all signs that all is not well in your chastity lifestyle. However, before you get too scared, take a deep breath and try not to worry - most of these issues are extremely minor and can be fixed up pretty much immediately, leaving everything nice and snug and comfortable once again. Odds are, your cage just needs a bit of cleaning! Take off your cage and give it a nice thorough scrubbing, making sure to remove any sweat, bacteria, lube or other gunk which might have built up on the inside. In most cases, this will be enough to fix any problems which you might be having with your chastity device. However, if that still doesn't fix the problem, it may be time to start looking into treating yourself to a brand new Lovegasm cock cage or chastity belt!
Help! My chastity belt is too tight / too loose!
This one is a quick fix. Our Lovegasm chastity belts are highly adjustable, and can be tightened and loosened both around the waist and between the legs. If you feel that your belt is fitting you too tightly or too loosely, make sure to stop and fix the problem immediately, as ignoring it can quickly lead to red, itchy skin and even chafing. Adjust your chastity belt by tugging at the straps until you feel that it is fitting properly. A good chastity belt should be snug against you and completely cover your cock so that it cannot become hard, but should not dig into the skin or leave any permanent marks once you have taken it off. Always take that little bit of extra time to make sure that your chastity device is fitting properly, as it can save you pain and discomfort down the line.
Will everyone be able to tell that I'm wearing a chastity device?
Not unless you want them to! Because they keep your cock nice and flaccid and prevent those unwanted, unfortunate erections, chastity devices are typically fairly easy to hide. You will be able to carry out your locked-up lifestyle without your friends, family or coworkers having to find out that you are a bad boy who needs his orgasms denied and controlled by a dominant partner. However, we do recommend that you buy a couple pairs of snug, tighter underwear that will support the weight of your chastity cage or belt and will not leave any telltale bulge for those around you to notice. Briefs, boxer briefs, jock straps and other sports-type underwear, and of course lacy, silky, frilly ladies' panties all make perfect underwear to pair with your chastity device. If you choose the right underwear and stick to looser, baggier clothes in your daily life while avoiding the skin-tight, "painted on pants" look, your embarrassing little chastity secret will remain perfectly safe from the people you encounter.
Will my cock stay healthy if I'm wearing a chastity device?
It certainly will! Chastity devices of both the belt and cage variety are completely safe and can be used by men of all shapes and sizes without having to worry about developing any health issues. You might find your cock shrinking by a few centimeters - maybe even up to an inch! - and you might be slower to get erections even during the times when you are out of the cage or belt, because your cock has become so accustomed to being locked up. However, even these small drawbacks are completely made up for by the cage's ability to turn you into the perfect submissive chastity slave for your partner, as well as opening up a wide world of sexual possibilities by unlocking your ability to cum from "non-traditional" methods of stimulation such as having your nipples tweaked or your prostate massaged. Long story short, the "ups" of wearing a cage and locking yourself up in long-term or permanent chastity definitely outweigh the "downs"!
My chastity device is getting dirty. What do I do?
Chastity belts and cock cages are pretty amazing, but unfortunately, there's one way in which they aren't absolutely perfect - they're not self-cleaning. Sweat, grime and dirt will inevitably build up on the inside of your cage, especially if you are wearing it 24/7, not to mention lube and possibly even pre-cum or ejaculate if your partner decides to give you a prostate milking instead of letting you have a "full" orgasm. When you start to notice this buildup - typically every 2-3 weeks, possibly once per month if you are careful to remain especially clean - that means it's time to unlock your cage and give it a cleaning. Use hot water and antibacterial soap to ensure that both the inside and outside of your cage wind up properly cleaned, and don't forget to give your own cock a wash while it's enjoying its brief period of freedom. Dry your cage completely before putting it back on, as damp metal or plastic on skin is the culprit behind most cases of uncomfortable chafing. Of course, if you find yourself unable to keep your hands from giving your cock some sneaky strokes during a cleaning session, you'd better call over your keyholder to supervise - just because you're giving yourself a necessary cleaning doesn't give you a free pass to break the rules!
My chastity device is starting to smell bad. What do I do?
Another side effect which you might experience if you engage in a permanent chastity lifestyle is that , every so often, your cage starts to smell the tiniest bit funky. Don't panic - this is almost always the result of the sweat and dirt build-up we just discussed in the previous answer. And, just like that, it can be fixed by a simple cleaning. Use LOTS of soap and even more hot water to scrub away any traces of nasty scent from both your cage and your cock itself (don't forget, sweaty skin can smell pretty ripe too!) We definitely recommend using a tool such as a washcloth, sponge or loofah which can reach all the small edges and corners of your cock cage and wash away every last little bit of dirt.