Swings For Sex

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Sex Swings: Everything You Need to Know

After handcuffs and ropes , the BDSM community introduced a whole new method of restraint — a sex swing. Whether you are into BDSM or not, if you are adventurous and enjoy experimenting in the bedroom, you may be one swing away from an unforgettable sexual experience!

What Is a Sex Swing?

A sex swing, also known as a sex sling, is a specific type of bondage. It serves as a method of restraint, suspending one person in the air and thus allowing the other one to be in control. The division of roles it implies is the reason it is commonly used in BDSM activities involving bondage.

There is a variety of sex swings available on the market. They differ from one another in terms of design and material. However, the most common ones support the back and the behind and feature adjustable stirrups for legs.

In addition to restraining the submissive person, a sex swing allows the dominant one to access their partner’s genitals and anal region. While suspended, the submissive person is comfortably supported by the swing so that they can relax entirely. Therefore, despite its use in the BDSM community, a sex swing does not inflict pain.

Putting Up a Sex Swing

Now that you are familiar with the purpose of a sex swing, but before you learn how to use one, you need to know how to put it up. Installing a sex swing may appear to be a lot of work. After all, we are talking about a piece of sex gear that has to support the full weight of an adult.

Nevertheless, if you follow our instructions, you will have no trouble putting up your sex swing.

First of all, we need to point out that the process of installing a sex swing depends on the type of swing you choose. In the following lines, we will describe the standard ceiling mounting method.

First, you will need to install a mounting point. If you feel uncomfortable doing it yourself, you can hire somebody else to do it. When it comes to ceiling mounts, there are two options: the eye hook and the tie-down anchor. While the former may be included in your kit, the latter has a higher weight limit.

Finally, you can choose between a single-hook swing and a dual-hook one. The former has to be installed at least three feet away from every wall. The latter requires you to set up two hooks so that there is a 24–48-inch space between them.

Whichever sex swing you choose from the broad selection on the market, make sure to follow the provided instructions carefully. You want both you and your partner to have the time of your lives, so having to call an ambulance in the middle of sex would undoubtedly ruin the experience.

How to Use a Sex Swing

Once you or someone else has installed your sex swing, you need to learn how to use it. Although you already have an idea of what sex in it should look like, you have to know how to use it properly. It is as crucial as its installment. Making a mistake in any of the two processes can lead to injuries.

The swinging partner needs to be suspended so that the swing supports both their back and behind. Moreover, they need to feel comfortable in the swing to be able to relax. Finally, the stirrups for the legs have to be adjusted so that the person’s muscles are not overly flexed. Depending on which one of you is submissive, tell your partner or have them tell you if they start feeling uncomfortable. Remember that every BDSM scene has an emphasis on safety and open communication.

Lastly, you will be thrilled to know that a sex swing will allow you to get into sex positions that now seem too complicated or downright impossible. Rather than having to hold your partner or put pressure on your joints, you will be able to relax and enjoy the moment.

Types of Sex Swings

As we have already mentioned, sex swings differ from each other in terms of design and material. That diversity is the reason the selection is so broad. Your choice depends solely on your requirements, and you can rest assured that the market will be able to meet them.

Selecting a sex swing requires you to know where you will be using it because of the installation process. Roof-mounted sex swings call for a strong joist, whereas the ones with stands take up more space.

In the following lines, we will review the best sex swings: the ones with stands, roof-mounted ones, door swings, and body swings. Stay tuned to collect all the information you need to make your choice.

Sex Swings With Stands

If you are not a handy type of person, you probably do not like the thought of drilling a hole in your ceiling to set up your sex swing. You may even think that your work could put you or your partner in harm’s way. The alternative is to have your swing installed for you. However, if you also dread the idea of sharing your privacy with your handyman, the situation may seem hopeless.

Fortunately, there is a way to enjoy all the benefits of a sex swing without having to deal with any construction work. If you recognize yourself in the previous paragraph, a sex swing with a stand is perfect for you. Setting it up will take only about 20 minutes of your time. Moreover, the stand is collapsible, so you can store it in your closet or under your bed and even take it with you on a trip.

Roof-Mounted Sex Swings

Roof-mounted sex swings are the most common ones. If you have researched sex swings, you have probably seen pictures of these. Moreover, movies that deal with BDSM usually feature roof-mounted sex swings. Finally, you read about them in the section regarding the sex swing installation process.

A roof-mounted sex swing calls for a hole (or two) in your ceiling. Depending on the type you choose (a single-hook one or a dual-hook one), you will need one or two mounting points. After you have installed them, you can pick between the eye hook and the tie-down anchor.

The selection of roof-mounted swings features numerous different products. Some can spin 360 degrees, while others have a metal bar perfect for attaching handcuffs.

Door Sex Swings

Thanks to the advancement of the sex industry, you can now turn your door into a sex swing. Similarly to the ones with stands, this swing does not call for any construction work. Choosing a door sex swing will allow you to live out your fantasies without having to explain a hook in your ceiling. You will not have to worry about nosy friends or family members.

Setting up a door sex swing is even simpler than setting up the one with stands. All you need to do is hang the straps over a door and close it. The straps have metal stoppers so that the swing stays in place. However, you may want to lock the door!

Body Sex Swings

Instead of hanging your sex swing from a ceiling or a door, you can hang it from your partner. Although the experience it provides differs from the one offered by other swings, a body sex swing is a piece of gear you would not want to miss out on.

Setting up a body sex swing is relatively simple. One partner needs to put it on their body and adjust it, while the other one fits the leg loops on their legs.

If standing-up sex positions have always appealed to you, you will enjoy the experience a body sex swing can provide. Instead of tiring your arms, you will have the swing transfer weight to your legs and make hard-to-do positions easy and pleasurable.

Parting Words

Aside from the swings we have listed, there are pinning swings, bondage swings, and platform sex slings. The selection is truly abundant. For a sexually active adult, sex swing positions can provide an entirely new sexual experience.
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