Are Suction Cup Dildos Good For Beginners?

realistic dildo with strong suction cup

Understanding Suction Cup Dildos

Suction cup dildos are designed with a base that sticks to flat, smooth surfaces. They adhere to bathroom tiles, hardwood floors, or the headboard of your bed.
They're easy to mount. All you have to do is press the base against your chosen surface. Pushing down forces the air out, creating a vacuum seal. Given its clever design, your hands are free to roam or support your body, making solo time even more fun.
The base often has a slight dip or concavity, making the suction even more robust.
Give the surface you're going to stick it to a quick wipe down, and you're set for an uninterrupted session of hands-free pleasure.

Choosing The Right Suction Cup Dildo For Beginners

When looking for the perfect pleasure tool, there are a few key factors to take into consideration.
First, look for dildos made of silicone. These are safe for body use. They're non-porous, hypoallergenic, and easy to clean.
If you're a novice, consider small dildos, don't attempt to use an enormous one since this may cause discomfort or injury. Start with a small one, and feel free to take bigger sizes as you get used to the experience.
Rushing to go big will make you regret it.
Include shape and texture on your checklist. You might find a dildo with a realistic design and smooth texture more appealing. Conversely, some people may have a stronger desire for ridges or bumps.
The suction cup must be strong to hold its position during extended use. Make sure the suction cup feels solid while testing its strength.

What Are The Benefits Of Suction Cup Dildos?

The Advantages They Offer

Suction cup dildos set your hands free, so you can comfortably experiment with exciting positions.
You can count on this toy when you're alone. It gives you control and autonomy so you can explore and discover the best
Couples can also spice up their bedtime routine using this toy. By adding a suction cup dildo into the mix, you'll raise the thrill level. It also brings an opportunity to practice new positions and techniques in a safe, comfortable environment.
When you stick your toy onto your chosen surface, it simulates an authentic experience, whether you're going solo or spicing things up with a partner. So give it a whirl – you or your partner will love it.

How Suction Cup Dildos Can Enhance Solo Play

These pleasure toys can make your me-time much easier and enjoyable. Using them can build up your sexual confidence and self-awareness, too. You won't feel pressured or judged with just you and the toy in your room. This moment can also help you discover a thing or two about what makes you orgasm.
You're the one setting the pace—slow and steady or fast and furious, it's your call. Plus, you can go for as long or as short as you like without worrying about keeping up with anyone else's tempo.
These lovelies can also turn shower time into orgasmic fun. Stick their suction cup to the tiles and add a splash of adventure to your cleansing routine. Experience a whole new level of pleasure as the water runs over you, combined with the thrill of the toy.
Stick them at different heights to find what works best for you. Whether it's low for a squatting challenge or at hip level for a more straight-on approach—you call the shots.

Incorporating Suction Cup Dildos Into Couple's Play

Versatile toys like these can bring couples to higher peaks of pleasure. Here's how to spice things up:
When you stick your toy onto your chosen surface, it simulates an authentic experience, whether you're going solo or spicing things up with a partner. So give it a whirl – you or your partner will love it.
Versatile toys like these can bring couples to higher peaks of pleasure. Here's how to spice things up:
  • Double The Fun With Double Penetration
Just stick the dildo to a flat surface and find the rhythm that feels great. Remember to communicate and take it slow to ensure maximum pleasure for both of you.
  • Share The Control
Take turns in deciding how and where to stick the dildo. This will give you a taste of power play or simply ensure you and your partner are mutually engaged in the intimate moment. When you switch roles, the more you get to know what brings pleasure to each other.
  • Amp Up Foreplay
Introduce the toy during your foreplay sessions. The sight of it sticking to the headboard, waiting for action, can be surprisingly arousing. Use it to tease and tantalize each other as a part of your warm-up routine. It's a fantastic way to build anticipation and desire before moving on to the main event.
  • A Hands-Free Addition To Oral Sex
Here's a suggestion: while one partner enjoys the sensations of oral sex, the other can ride the dildo. This hands-free multitasking can lead to an explosive combination of pleasures.
  • Fantasy Fulfillment Minus The Crowd
Want to add a partner but not ready to take that step? A sex toy like this will always be ready 24/7 to indulge you. It's a safe way to explore DP fantasies together without adding another human to the bedroom.
  • Discover New Positions And Dynamics
Finally, use this toy to break out of your usual routine. Experiment with different positions and dynamics that might be tricky to manage without an extra hand.

Exploring Different Positions

Creative Positions For Maximum Pleasure

These toys offer a variety of positions that can elevate your experience. Let's check out some creative ways to use them:
  • Riding the dildo by attaching it to a chair or the floor. You control the speed and depth, so take it slow or go wild—your choice, your ride.
  • Doggy style by sticking your friend to a wall or the side of furniture. Find the perfect height to hit just the right spot and enjoy the hands-free pleasure.
  • Using the toy while lying on your side for a comfortable, relaxed position. Attach it to a nearby surface, and let it glide into you. This allows comfort and a steady rhythm.
  • Standing and backing up onto the dildo for an intense, deep sensation. Standing up is the way to go if you're after that deep, intense feeling. Stick it on a vertical surface at the right height and back up onto it. This position allows for deep penetration and can be a real leg-shaker.
  • Squatting over your pleasure tool for a workout and deep penetration. Combine pleasure with a little exercise. Just make sure you've got balance and enjoy the ride.
  • Attaching the toy to a mirror for a visual experience while using it. For an extra kick, stick your trusted buddy to a full-length mirror. You'll get a visual treat while you play, and it can help you adjust your position to find what feels best.
Each position offers unique sensations, so try them out and see which ones you fancy.

Tips For Finding The Perfect Angle And Position

smooth black dildo with suction cup
Finding the right angle and position can greatly impact your pleasure. Try the following tricks:
  • Start Small And Simple: Begin with positions that you're comfortable with before moving on to more adventurous ones. This could be as basic as sticking the dildo to the floor and riding it or attaching it to a wall for a standing or doggy-style experience.
  • Pillow Talk: Use pillows or cushions to prop yourself up or change the angle of your toy. By doing this, you'll find a comfortable position that hits the right spot without any unnecessary strain.
  • Curve Your Enthusiasm: A curved dildo hits all the right spots. Feel free to rotate it to find the angle that gives the sweetest sensation.
  • Listen To Your Body: Pay attention to how you feel with each change in position. If something feels painful or off, try to adjust. At this point, rushing will do you no good. Feel every inch of it.
  • Get Creative With Props: Try sticking it to your yoga ball to add bounce and mobility to your experience. You can also look around your home for furniture that might help you get into the perfect position. Get imaginative and creative.
  • Keep It Smooth: Comfort helps you achieve pleasure. Use plenty of lube to ensure everything moves smoothly.

Safety And Maintenance

Proper Cleaning And Care

Keep your toy clean and in perfect condition at all times. Doing so won't just keep you safe from infections, but it will ensure your toy will last.
  • Get it cleaned with soap and water: Make your pleasure buddy spick and span with warm water and mild soap before and after each use.
  • Avoid the rough stuff: Don't use abrasive materials, as they will damage the surface of your toy.
  • Keep it away from sunlight: Store it in a clean, dry, and shaded spot. UV rays will shorten your toy's lifespan.
  • Inspect before you invest (in pleasure): Regularly check your toy for any signs of damage or wear before using it. It's wiser to buy a new one rather than risk your health.
  • Use compatible lube: Use only water-based lube with silicone toys. Avoid using silicone lubes if your toy is made of silicone.
  • Crank up the heat (where possible): If your suction cup dildo is non-electronic and silicone, you might be able to boil it or toss it in the dishwasher for a deep clean—but only do this if the manufacturer gives you the green light.

Overcoming Common Challenges

dildo with a powerful suction cup
Here are straightforward solutions to common issues you might encounter when playing with a double dildo:
  • Sticky Situation: Double-check the surface if your suction cup won't stick. It should be as smooth. Any dust or bumps can break the seal, so give that spot a good wipe-down.
  • Too Firm For Comfort: If your new toy feels more of a challenger than a pleaser, switch it up. Consider one made from a softer material, or opt for a smaller size.
  • Ease The Discomfort: Apply lube generously and take things slow.
  • Finding The Sweet Spot: If the angle is more awkward than a first date, don’t be shy to shuffle things around. Use cushions, adjust the height, or move it.
  • Stay Put, Please: Does your dildo have a mind of its own during use? Firmly press down to expel any trapped air—the extra pressure should reinforce the suction.
  • Regain That Grip: Loss of suction can be a mood killer. If this happens, moisten the base just a tad. This can improve the suction like a charm.
Ready for hands-free fun? Once you have your suction dildo with you, remember to go at your own pace, stay safe, and, most importantly, have fun with it!
Feeling like a lone wolf in your interests? Join the pack! A community of like-minded people is ready to welcome you with open arms. Sharing your experiences with like-minded individuals can be incredibly validating. It's like finding your tribe – and there's strength in numbers.
Should you find it challenging to overcome shame and guilt, you can always reach out to mental health professionals. They'll guide you as you explore the wild terrain of your mind and can help you understand and embrace your choices without any hang-ups. So go ahead, and explore your wild side with confidence and a sense of freedom – your psyche will thank you for it.
Simone Brooks

A Southern-based author brings clarity to the intimate world of sex toys, focusing on user-friendly guides and reviews for dildos and nipple toys. Drawing from her past as an educator, she crafts content that enlightens and equips her readers, making the exploration of pleasure accessible to all. Beyond writing, she finds solace in nurturing her garden and roaming the countryside with her favorite dogs, where she gathers inspiration for her work.

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